Jul 8, 2013

Collares de Papel / Paper Necklaces

Ultimamente he estado trabajando en algunos Collares de Papel, complicado el trabajar con objetos tan pequeños pero, a mi parecer, el resultado ha valido la pena.
Sigo con algunos diseños nuevos que aún no he terminado y que os iré enseñando.

Latetly I have been working in some Paper Necklaces, it is difficult to work with such small items but, under my point of view, the result is worthy.
I keep working in some new designs which I have not finished yet and I will show you soon.



Ambos están recién subidos a mi tienda.

I have just uploaded them in my shop.

Como siempre, muchísimas gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios :)

As always, thanks a lot for your visit and comments :)